Saturday, October 16, 2010


So yesterday I was super nervous and had to go to sleep early because I had an interview in the morning and planned on making it up today and even making some headway in my comic debt by drawing 3 comics today...I even have all 3 ideas in mind for them.

Unfortunately, Battle Cat (my cat) must've batted my stylus somewhere because I can't seem to find it.  I will continue searching for it a little bit tonight, but I've sworn to myself that it will be found tomorrow so I can get some drawings done!  This must be the first step in BC's twisted plot to slowly take over the human world.  Let's just hope the next step doesn't involve killing me in my sleep.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dr. Ultrasaurus Pt.1

   Because I enjoyed using GIMP so much, I drew this today as well.  I also feel I need to make up for the several days I missed and will try and put out more than one a day whenever possible.  This is part one of an undecided amount more, but they'll likely be split over a few days rather than consecutive.

I know it's super cheesy, but that's kind of the idea.

Doggy Daydreams

My banner is a lie!

   Well, the truth is that I've been trying to figure out GIMP.  It is far superior to what I was using, and possibly even simpler to use (or at least simpler to google questions for when I get confused).  I've had it sitting on my computer meaning to get at it, but I never really did until the past couple of days.

   I've mostly been screwing around and doing half-doodles, but today I decided to get with it and think up something for an actual comic.  Although I guess an actual comic for me is still mostly a crummy doodle (barely worthy of teh introwebz) because I'm too anxious to sit still and do a quick sketch beforehand or color things most of the time.  Maybe overtime it will come easier and quicker to me and I'll feel the need to make them look more polished.